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Gotta love a California Nut Oil dressing that multitasks for dipping, marinating, and more. 💕
This flavorful Turkish salad is a lifelong favorite for Octonuts co-founder, Ulash. 🇹🇷
Plus, it's loaded with WAY more protein. 💪🏾
It's ridiculously easy to DIY creamy, yummy almond butter. Mind blown! 🤯
Meatless Monday, meet Taco Tuesday. 🌮 This hearty plant-based filling will guac your world! 🥑
Walnuts + mushrooms = the perfect pairing for a "meaty" vegan burger. 🍔
This nutty dipping sauce is like a pot of gold at the end of your veggie spring roll rainbow. 🌈
Your salad game will surely score points with this colorful combo of flavorful NUTrition. 🙌
It's berry easy to make this flavor and NUTrition-packed salad a staple on your lunch or dinner menu. 🍓